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  • I know the points raised in the book do help to dispel some of the
    - Mervyn B. Leicester, Field Service Manager, Risk Management, Inc.
  • I finished the book yesterday. What a book! I have no words to describe it, but I´ll try. First let me congratulate you on the content, …and how it is structured and written, in a clever and brilliant style that invites one to continue reading…. plenty of amazing true stories, testimonies, facts and statements of relevant personalities from different areas, that leave the reader seriously considering many things. I´d like to translate some of them into Spanish to share with my family, friends and the church in Argentina –.
    - Omar Aguirre (from Argentina)
  • I was reading the last paragraph of "Secrets Behind The Veil". I have enjoyed the book immensely and am encouraged to read further along those lines. I am looking forward to ordering more books as well. God bless.
    - Beverly
  • Greetings. Yes, we did get a copy of the book.... It is quite informative in my perspective. I already use it in my presentations....
    - Pst. Ron Henderson (Halifax, Canada)
  • I've started to read your book. I love it. It's great!
    - Tanya Marie (Canada)